Specialists in safe Asbestos removal and re-inbursment, HVAC services, design installment and robotic cleaning. thermal insulation hot and cold services. ORCA MARITIME anti corrosion film. see web....
Balluff Authorized Distributor www.Balluff.de
High-technology and cost-effective automation control solutions
Model CX-101 CX-102 CX-103 CX-105 CX-107 Telescope Magnification 30x 30x 30x 30x 30x Resolving power 2.5� � � 2.5� � � 2.5� � � 2.5� � � 3.5� � � Others Length: 171mm ( 6.7in) , ....
Panel DB is a Distribution Board panel, using for Distribution
We are member of LAbberu group that have been growing in high quality Electrical Panels Maker business and a Professional Services to our customers around Indonesia and future will grab the worldwide....
PIPE ROLLER - One side adjust for both wheel - Polyurethane wheel - custom apllication - custom colour
We are a machine builder company, we do for ELectronic, or Oil and Gas or Shipyard Industry. We made automated machine base on your requirement.
Digital Surveymeter PM 1405 GAMMA - ALFA - BETA - X-RAY
Conveyor belt Sempertrans ( Semperit ) has four .... sempertrans conveyor belt type fabric and steel cord PT. Indocement Tbk ( Java ) PT. Semen Padang ( Sumatera ) PT. Semen Gresik ( Java ) ....
We are engineering and Trading company for Industrial in Batam, Kepulauan Riau Province, Indonesia With our partner over the world, We have supply many item for our client We also able to execute....
Our products consist of various brands and types according to customer requirements, and the price we offer very competitive with the best quality.
we are a company in BATAM engaged in construction, general trading and manpower supply
Wilmax, founded in 1989, has its headquarters and production facilities in Singapore, as well as production and service capabilities in Indonesia and Malaysia. By building our own unique products for....
Dear Sirs, Together with this letter we would like to offer a brief profile of the company and the cooperation of our I. COMPANY HISTORY PT. UNIVERSE BETWEEN OCEAN has stood in Batam since....
PRIMAX X-Ray Protection Clothing for Radiation .... protection for extended periods as the weight is optimally divided between the shoulder and the hips. PRIMAX X-Ray Protection Clothing for....
PT. INTERGY Indonesia Incorporated based on Batam, Indonesia in 2011. PT. INTERGY Indonesia is one of the leading Radiation Safety and Industrial Service company in Indonesia, specializing in....
Cutting Tools Supplier Represent Brand: Guhring ( Germany) Seco ( Swedia) Emuge ( Germany) Hartner ( Germany) W& F Werkzeugtechnik Vertex ( Taiwan) Manyo ( Japan)
Scaffolding is a temporary structure used to support people and material in the construction or repair of buildings and other large structures. It is usually a modular system of metal pipes or tubes, ....
We are into the rental business of scaffolding or staggering. Our products are Main Frame 1.7m, Ladder Frame 0.9m, Jack Base 0.6m and U-head 0.6m. We also welcome those who wants to purchase.
Our company is engaged in the sale of mobile telephone to all brands