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Address: | Jln. Tanjung Uban Km. 13 Kepri Batam 28782, Riau Indonesia | |
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Registration Date: | May. 24, 2023 | |
Last Updated: | Sep. 10, 2011 | |
Business Nature: | Trade, Service of Telecommunications category | |
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Welcome Welcome to our website, tongberas. Tongberas is a product credit / vouchers electronically, 24 hours nonstop transactions directly to the server, with 1 ( one) deposit on the one card for multi-operator transactions. Tongberas founded in 2006 that has been trusted, proven in service, to the stability of stock and provide spectacular business opportunities at your fingertips without hesitation. Wanted agents and dealers throughout Indonesia for Service refill most comprehensive electronic toll in Indonesia. Available electronic pulses from the cellular provider in Indonesia, such as: Mentari, Indosat M3, IM2, Sympathy, As, XL, Telkom Flexi, Fren, Esia, StarOne, Axis, Three, Smart & hepi. Provider Games, such as Fastblack, Gemscool, Lyto, Megaxus, Rose Online, Cabal Online Gold, VTC online, Playpoint Playon and Wavegames. With a nominal complete: from 5ribu to 500 thousand We offer extra income by becoming our partners as an Agent / Retailer, Dealer and ParnertShip ( Master Dealer) credit / electronic vouchers. By becoming Agent / Retailer or Dealer Tongberas, you can do this business whenever and wherever you are, not limited to regions throughout Indonesia and abroad, as long as no signal HP GSM / CDMA you. Even with very little capital you can also become our partners. Not limited to all walks of life. Increase your sales and seize the prize. How? You interested? , Just by registering a phone number only, you have to do the charging pulse to mobile phone numbers to all GSM / CDMA. We provide a number of transactions destination SMS Center that can be accessed by any number of GSM / CDMA operators, and processed by the Multi server is handled by people who kapable and very concerned in his field. We have our own server, to accommodate all of your transactions, a server with reliability and high speed with the main specifications of the IBM eServer xSeries x36 server m. Tongberas Marketing System Tongberas is not a multi level marketing ( MLM) because there is no sales target, does not require the recruitment and no point cap monthly. Tongberas system allows you to register or sub.dealer dealers as much as possible so it can optimize your revenue from transaction commissions. Commission Transaction If you and your group was duplicated in 1 day only conduct transactions refill pulse 1 time a day, how many potential transaction commission ( Trx) you: Level 1: 10 x Rp.150 / Trx = Rp. 1500, - Level 2: 10 x 10 x Rp.100 / Trx = Rp. 10.000, - Level 3: 10 x 10 x 10 x Rp.75 / Trx-= Rp. 75.000, - Level 4: 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x Rp.50 / Trx = Rp. 500.000, - Level 5: 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x Rp.25 / Trx = Rp. 2.500.000, - Total commission from a group of transactions that occur only with a 1-time transactions per day: TOTAL = Rp.1.500, - + 10, 000, - + Rp.75.000, - + Rp.500.000, - Rp.2.500.000, - TOTAL = Rp.3.086.500, - / day " What if your group is doing the transaction refill pulse more than 1 time / day? You can do the calculations yourself? " Our Product Advantages: Advantages: " The registration fee FREE " The price of pulses that are very cheap & stable " Availability of pulses stock " Requirements to be an agent / dealer is very easy " Not necessarily with large capital " Technical Support Server & reliable service " Can Parallel 2 no.HP " Transactions 24 hours nonstop " Available for check transactions Webreport Agent Registration Registration Terms * Have your GSM / CDMA * Have an active phone number * Pay the Registration Fee / Register FREE! * Pay the deposit amount of Trx is up to you / free least 50.000, - How to Register * Come directly moved to us. - By filling out a form provided * Via Telephone - Directly talk to our Customer Care * Via SmS - Type: DAFTAR.TONGBERAS.NAMA.KOTA.NOHP - Example: DAFTAR.TONGBERAS.DIANACELL.BATAM.087793166991 - Send: 085278062111 * Via Google Talk - You can chat with our customer care is directly - By submitting the subject, full name, complete address, no hp has been filed. Then Send an email to tongberas.center @ gmail.com Registration Confirmation * Wait for confirmation from us. - You will receive an SMS message containing the ID Member * Please do an order soon as the guidance is outstanding. How to Balance Ordser * Come directly to one of the BANK BCA / BNI / MANDIRI nearby. * Or transfer via ATM TOGETHER to: - BCA No.Rek: 8070-344-646 a / n Erma - BNI No.Rek: 00586-48-240 a / n Erma - SELF No.Rek: 10-9000-985-4142 a / n Erma * After the transfer you have to SMS with the following format: - INFO.Saya transfer to BCA / BNI / MANDIRI 300, 000 via ATM / KASIR a / n. .. YOU ..., for the addition RETAINED AK00145xxx ( ID) , please be processed. - Send to SMS CENTER * If Internet Banking normal, at least 15 minutes BALANCES will go to your HP. Nb: Try to transfer the unique nomimal, for example: Rp.300.499 Rp.100.222 or ( 3 points behind the best fit your HP No.) this allows us to detect your money. If there is constraints, please contact our CUSTOMER SERVICE! SMS Center SMS CENTER is the purpose of sending an sms number for each transaction made by the retailers / agents who have been registered. SMS CENTER we provide as follows: SMS Center Telkomsel * 0852 7293 5555 ( U.S.) * 0852 7274 5555 ( U.S.) * 0852 7235 5555 ( U.S.) * 0852 7245 8888 ( U.S.) * 0852 7233 8888 ( U.S.) * 0852 7249 0000 ( U.S.) SMS Center AXIS * 0831 8365 1111 SMS Center INDOSAT * 0856 9133 5555 ( IM3) SMS XL Center * 0819 32618 555 THREE-3 SMS Center * 0898 4051 222 FORMAT DUE TO RICE PULSE TONG Via SMS SALES TRANSACTIONS Single Transaction Format: I. [ Voucher Code] . [ HP' s goal] . [ PIN] Example: I.A10.085266666666.1234 Multi Transactions Format: I. [ Code Voucher1] . [ HP Goal1] , [ Code Voucher2] . [ HP Goal2] . [ PIN] , Example: I.A10.08524224125, A25.08522744125.1234 CHECK BALANCES RESELLER Format: SAL. [ PIN] Example: SAL.1234 REPLACE PIN Format: GPIN. [ PIN Lama] . [ New PIN] . [ New PIN] Example: GPIN.1234.6699.6699 PRICE CHECK Format: PRICE. [ Code Voucher] , [ Code Voucher] , & & & . [ PIN] Example: HARGA.MT10, MT20 & & .1234 REGISTER Downline Format: REG. [ HP Downline] . [ Name Counter] . [ Difference in Price] . [ PIN] Example: REG.08122764125.INEM CELL.100.1234 TRANSFER DEPOSIT TO Downline Format: TRANSFER. [ Code ID Downline] . [ Qty Transfer] . [ PIN] Example: TRANSFER.EK00162567.100000.1234 Complaints Format: INFO. [ ID Resellers] [ Transaction Date] [ Voucher Code] [ HP aim] pulses are not logged in please direfund. Example: INFO.EK00162567 on May 21 S20 081 235 685 965 pulses are not logged in please direfund. Post to your SMS Center Based Operator SMS CENTER: XL: 0819 3261 8555 U.S.: 0852 7235 5555 0852 7247 5555 0852 7233 8888 IM3: 0856 9133 5555 Voucher Code And Toll Basic Price List - CODE VOCHER and PRICE LIST - SYMPATHY = S S5 = 5400; S10 = 10, 000; S20 = 19 900; S50 = 48 700; S100 = 96 700; S150 = 146 200; AS = A A5 = 5400; A10 = 10, 000; A15 = 15 950; A25 = 25 200; A50 = 48 700; A100 = 95 450; AXIX = AX AX5 = 5100; AX10 = 9800; AX25 = 24, 200; AX50 = 48, 200; AX100 = 96, 200; MENTARI = MT MT5 = 5500; MT10 = 10, 500; MT20 = 20, 200; MT25 = 25 050; MT50 = 49 450; MT100 = 97, 200; MENTARI GPRS = MTG MTG5 = 5400; IM3 = IT IT5 = 5500; IT10 = 10, 500; IT20 = 20, 200; IT25 = 25 050; IT50 = 49 450; IT100 = 97, 200; IM3 SMS = ITS ITS5 = 5500; ITS8 = 8500; ITS30 = 30, 100; IM3 GPRS = ITG ITG5 = 5500; Free XL = XR, XL Thumb = XJ, XL Extra = XX XR5 = 5500; XR10 = 10 400; XR25 = 24 575; XR50 = 48 650; XR100 = 97 700; XJ5 = 5500; XJ10 = 10 450; XJ25 = 24 850; XJ50 = 49, 500; XJ100 = 98, 200; XX10 = 10 350; XX50 = 49, 500; XX100 = 98 200; FREN = R R10 = 10, 500; R25 = 24, 850; R50 = 48, 750; R100 = 97 200; Flexy = F F5 = 5600 F10 = 10 350 F20 = 19 750 F50 = 47 700 F100 = 94 700 THREE = T T5 = 5500; T10 = 10 300; T25 = 19 900; T50 = 49 200; T100 = 97, 200; CERIA = C C5 = 5200; C10 = 9700; C20 = 19, 200; C50 = 48, 200; C100 = 95 200; PRICE current, if there are changes we will immediately revise! SMART = Y Y5 = 5500 Y10 = 10 300 Y20 = 19 900 Y50 = 48 700 Y100 = 96 700 ESIA = E E5 = 5550 E10 = 10 400 E25 = 25 000 E50 = 49 400 E100 = 96 600 ___price / tgl.31 / 01 / 2011, and if there are changes in prices from SPROVIDER, then we will immediately revise it, | ||
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